Thursday 2 October 2014

Hello sunshine! Welcome to my humble blog. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sulas and I am a melting chocolate lava cake addict! Hmm, sometimes red velvet cupcakes, at other times swenson ice cream cake! And yes, if you are wondering, I appreciate other type of food as well, especially when the food is tasty and served with good presentation. I am a non fussy eater, simple like that :)

Why do I start this blog? I always find myself cafehopping, mallhopping, pasarhopping just to look for that place to satisfy the rumbling belly! Even on those satiated times, there's always the desire to lookout for halal delish food or in HFH term, Mmmdap! Of course, the eateries must be halal-certified and/or 100% muslim-owned. So usually after sharing the pictures and location of the eateries in my own personal facebook account, there will be requests from my friends to dedicate a page just for the food posts. So I thought, why not eh, since I'm free and I can type fast, ehem. Aaaand voila, HALAL FOOD HOPPER was born!

My first post on Halal Food Hopper FB page was on Friday, 12 September 2014, 12.20am. Yes I am meticulous in choosing the timing. Bahaha, nah! But I like Friday :), just because it means the weekend is around the corner!

Fast forward 3 weeks & many FB posts later, Halal Food Hopper accumulated 3000+ fans! Woot woot! It meant a lot to me when the information that I've shared got many likes and shares by the fans. It also mean that there are people out there who share the same love for food hopping like me! Yay, shoutout to you Hoppers ;)

Soon, collaboration enquiries and requests from cafes and restaurants to be featured in HFH page flood in. Wow, I never really expect that my humble page would get any attention from them, let alone for them to pay me to write and promote their brand. Truly, opportunities come when you least expect it. 

Enough about me. My next posts will be on the eateries that I've been invited to. Till then, cheerio!

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